The United States has formally recognized Israel’s sovereign control over the Golan Heights. In a White House ceremony today with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Trump once again aligned American policy with reality – and the geostrategic interests of the United States.

After all, having the high ground and aquifers of the Golan firmly in Israel’s hands means that such assets cannot be weaponized by her Syrian, Iranian and Hezbollah enemies – and ours. Doing otherwise would be a sure-fire formula for regional war, or worse.

So, will President Trump apply the same logic to the West Bank, another territory with high ground and water resources vital to Israel’s survival?  His son-in-law, Jared Kushner, reportedly is recommending a so-called “peace plan” that would recklessly require the surrender of much of that area to Palestinians seeking Israel’s destruction.

Don’t go there, Mr. President.

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