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Highlighted Story: “Saving El Salvador”

FMLN radicals promise a Chavez-like revolution in El Salvador

Strategically and centrally located within Central America, tiny El Salvador has been a striking economic success in recent years.   Rated by the Wall Street Journal as, after Chile, having the most open and free market in Latin America, the country has enjoyed relative domestic calm for nearly 20 years. Nevertheless, it finds itself facing a relentlessly radical political opposition while being surrounded by nations that are unfriendly or failing, or both. Despite solid economic growth [five percent in 2007] and unemployment of just 5.5 percent, latest credible polls give the FMLN a seven to eight percent advantage over the ruling Nationalist Republican Alliance [ARENA], which has won the last four presidential elections, causing concern for many friends of El Salvador, at home and abroad.  

Main News:

  • NEWS FLASH: COLOMBIAN MILITARY RESCUE: Colombian Military Frees Betancourt and 14 other hostages. Details of the daring rescue from the Latin American media. Betancourt: Chvez’s mediation “significant?” but “respecting Colombian democracy.” Uribe pushes for peace after hostage rescue. Rescued hostages arrive in United States.

  • Caracas rejects US diplomat comment on amount of drugs passing through Venezuela. Imports are 7.8 percent cheaper than domestic goods. Pdvsa profits up 80 percent in March. Chvez: Agreement on Sidor is near.

  • Venezuela denies role in attack in Bolivia.

  • US reactivates the Navy Fourth Fleet.

  • McCain calls for Hemispheric” Trade Deal, During Trip to Colombia.

  • Peruvian president tells Bolivia’s Morales “to shut up.”

  • Argentine economy moving into an “agro-cooling” period.

  • 35th Mercosur summit opens in Argentina to discuss global energy, food prices.

  • Cuba Accuses US Diplomats of encouraging dissidents.

View the full version of the Americas Report (PDF) 


Nancy Menges
Editor in Chief – “Americas Report”

Nicole M. Ferrand
Editor – “Americas Report”


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