US Government Makes Unprecedented Move Against Chinese Hackers

With Joseph Schmitz, Faith McDonnell, Chris Farrell, Gordon Chang

With Joseph Schmitz, Faith McDonnell, Chris Farrell, Gordon Chang

JOSEPH SCHMITZ, Former Inspector General of the Department of Defense:

  • An aborted attempt to provide arms to the Free Syrian Army, and the problems with arming Syrian rebels with weapons through proxy private groups
  • Trustworthiness of rebel groups such as the Free Syrian Army, which reportedly has weapons for only one in three fighters.
  • The transformation of an Inspector General’s role under the Obama Administration

FAITH McDONNELL, of the Institute on Religion & Democracy:

  • Meriam Ibrahim, sentenced to death in Sudan, and her refusal to answer to an Arabic name in court or agree to convert to Islam
  • McDonnell’s experiences with an Nigerian NGO task force that pushed for years to get Boko Haram designated a terrorist organization
  • Refuting the Obama Administration’s policy stance that the violence in Nigeria is caused by poverty, not religion
  • Difficulty Christian victims of religious persecution have getting visas into the US

CHRIS FARRELL, Director of Research and Investigations at Judicial Watch

  • Formation of the select committee on Benghazi and its chances for success
  • Findings from a FOIA regarding Lois Lerner, the IRS, and the targeting of certain Tea Party groups
  • Judicial Watch’s lawsuit against National Intelligence Councilman Theodore Moran, for his dealings with a Chinese technology firm with close ties to Chinese government intelligence
  • The security flaws associated with the U.S. personnel security investigative programs


  • Chinese cyberwarfare against US industry
  • Reasons behind America’s reluctance to treat China as a potential enemy
  • China’s recent actions in Vietnam and the possibility of a Chinese-Vietnamese war
Secure Freedom Radio

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