Last July, President Obama agreed to give Iran as much as $150 billion in unfrozen assets in exchange for non-binding promises to postpone – not end – the mullahs’ nuclear ambitions.

And what have the Iranians been doing since then? The short answer is just about everything they can think of to provoke and humiliate this country: illegal missile tests; retaining American hostages; firing rockets near our warships; preserving their key nuclear activities and preventing meaningful verification of any dismantlement they purport to do.

Then, on Monday Iranian vessels unlawfully intercepted two U.S. Navy’s boats, for a time detaining and demeaning their crews.

If this is how the mullahs behave before we give them many, many billions of dollars, imagine what they’ll do after Team Obama starts – at any moment – underwriting their future terrorism, nuclear threats and other aggression.

Stop the Obamabomb deal. Now.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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