With Douglas Murray, Bruce Bechtol, Barry Rubin, Fred Fleitz

DOUGLAS MURRAY, of the Henry Jackson Society, details the missteps the West has taken towards their approach to radical Islam and how the West has missed their moment to intervene.

Dr. BRUCE BECHTOL, an associate professor of Political Science at Angelo State University, explains North Korea’s direct role in arming and training forces for Bashar al-Assad in Syria, as well as arming Hezbollah and Iran.

BARRY RUBIN, of the Gloria Center, outlines what he considers the three possible diplomatic actions that would be more successful in the case of Syria.

FRED FLEITZ, of Lignet.com, analyzes Russia’s agenda in regards to the Syrian conflict and looks at how Putin is using the crisis to humiliate and undermine American power in the region.

Secure Freedom Radio

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