The “Mainstream” Media Must Stop Helping the Jihadists

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For Sharia-supremacists to achieve their goal of “destroying Western civilization from within,” they must first isolate, dominate and weaponize the community of Muslims in non-Muslim lands. In France, which was subjected to another murderous jihadist attack yesterday, this process is well underway.

In the United States, anti-Islamist Muslims are struggling to resist a similar fate – for them and for us. Dr. Zuhdi Jasser of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, this week called on “mainstream” TV networks and newspapers to stop helping the Muslim Brotherhood and their ilk.

America has a profound stake in the outcome of such efforts. With the help of Muslims like Dr. Jasser, chances improve of our identifying and effectively resisting those who seek to impose Sharia’s brutal totalitarianism on all of us.

Please check out – and help disseminate – Dr. Jasser’s important throw-down to the press at

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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