Turkey funds Syrian rebels, German intel on migrants, Somali attack, Pro-Russian Ukraine rebels, US-trained Syrian rebels

TIO Headlines 9-22-15 

Turkey increases funding for Al Qaeda-Linked rebels

After its leadership was eliminated in an Islamic State bombing attack a little over a year ago, Syrian rebel group Ahrar al-Sham is back in a major way.  Replacing its command structure and appointing a new emir, it has fought and gained control of territory in Syria, even controlling the Bab al-Hawa border crossing with Turkey.

Ahrar Al Sham fights closely with Al Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al Nusra, and was co-founded and led by Al Qaeda leader and Zawahiri associate Khalid Al-Suri before his death in 2014.

NATO ally Turkey has increased its commitment to the jihadist group, appointing it as its negotiator in the event of ceasefire talks, which have already collapsed twice.

German intelligence adds twist to migrant crisis

German police raided eight properties in Berlin, acting on information that those residing there were providing assistance to jihadists in Syria.  This development follows the statement by Germany’s domestic intelligence service the BfV (Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution) that up to 700 Germans have left and joined the Islamic State. BfV also believes that there is increased potential that “radicals” could target “unaccompanied young refugees” for indoctrination and recruitment.  Germany has a sizable Salafi community, and German IS members have already threatened future attacks.

Al-Shabaab suspected of car bombing near Somali presidential palace

Following the conclusion of a conference debate on the Somali presidential election next year, a suicide car bomb exploded outside the gates of the presidential compound, resulting in six casualties, including a Turkish national.  While no group has claimed responsibility, al-Qaeda affiliate al-Shabaab is widely suspected, as Al-Shabaab has orchestrated a series of car bombings against political figures, foreign diplomats and popular hotels in recent months. There is speculation that the attack may have been targeting a UN convoy that was seen leaving the palace, as well as presidential guards posted nearby.

NATO Chief: Russia still arming Ukrainian separatists despite ceasefire

As the media has focused on Russia’s escalation of involvement in Syria, it appears that Russian President Vladmir Putin is taking advantage of the diversion to also increase support for Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine.  In a joint press conference with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stressed that “Russia continues to support the separatists, provide them with weapons, with different kinds of equipment, training, forces.”  For the moment, Russia is keeping a low profile and has not responded to the accusations, ahead of Putin’s address to the UN General Assembly next week.

US-trained Syrian rebels arrested, then released as allegations of betrayal surface

In the continuing debacle that are US efforts in Syria, it is now being reported that approximately 75 members of the US-trained “moderate” rebel force Division 30 were arrested by elements of a coalition of Syrian Islamist rebels known as the Shamiyya Front soon after entering Aleppo province from the Turkish border crossing.

Initial reports state that Shamiyya Front troops were confused as to Division 30’s identity and allegiance. Other reports say that the 70 rebels of Division 30 reportedly surrendered to Al Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra shortly after crossing the border, handing over equipment and weapons. Additionally, Division 30 Chief of Staff Col. Muhammad Daher has apparently resigned citing problems with recruitment and training efforts. Daher’s resignation may lend credence to reports of continued problems with the U.S.-backed force.

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