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With Hans Von Spakovsky, Dr. Matthew Kroenig, Roger Noreiga and Kevin Freeman

HANS VON SPAKOVSKY, senior legal fellow in the Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies:

  • Despite what Democrats say to the contrary, voter fraud does occur in the United States
  • The NAACP and the League of Women Voters are fighting efforts to prevent non-citizens from voting
  • Justice Department is not only turning a blind eye to voter fraud, but enabling it

Dr. MATTHEW KROENIG, author of “A Time to Attack: The Looming Iranian Nuclear Threat,” Associate Professor and International Relations Field Chair in the Department of Government at Georgetown University:

  • Unwinding the Iranian Nuclear Deal
  • Russia’s nuclear modernization and strategy
  • Ted Cruz’s comments on North Korea’s recent missile test

Amb. ROGER NOREIGA, visiting fellow at AEI, Former US Ambassador to the Organization of American States:

  • Elections in Bolivia
  • Castro regime responsible for the possible collapse of Venezuela
  • President Obama’s visit to Havana is further legitimation of Cuba’s mayhem throughout Latin America
  • Pope Francis’ visit to Mexico last week

KEVIN FREEMAN, Founder and CEO of Freeman Global Holdings LLC., Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy:

  • Dangers from the sale of the Chicago Stock Exchange to a Chinese company
  • Embrace of socialism by Americans
  • US vulnerability to economic warfare
Secure Freedom Radio

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