A gathering designed to ensure that our national security receives the attention it requires from elected officials and their constituents took place in South Carolina
The “South Carolina Security Action Summit” was sponsored by Secure Freedom (formerly known as the Center for Security Policy), in partnership with Breitbart News and High Frontier and featured a group of the most influential national security practitioners to discus the current state of U.S. foreign and defense policy in an increasingly perilous world. Among the noteworthy participants in this roundtable discussion were:
Dr. George H. Baker
Ambassador John R. Bolton
LTG (Ret). William G. “Jerry” Boykin
LTC (Ret.) David Bores
Bill Connor
Ambassador Henry (Hank) F. Cooper
Scott Cooper
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz
Frank Gaffney
John Guandolo
Peter Huessy
Van Hipp Jr.
Rosemary Jenks
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal
Rick Joyner
Admiral James “Ace” Lyons (U.S. Navy, Ret.)
Javier Manjarres
Dr. Peter Vincent Pry
Senator Rick Santorum
Phyllis Schlafly
Michael S. Smith II
Danny Strickland
Ann Corcoran
[More information including agenda here]
Noted speeches remarks at the Summit included:
Senator Ted Cruz of Texas had a specific warning regarding potential presidential candidates and Iran:
“And a question I will suggest that should be posed to every candidate for President, whether Republican or Democrat, is if President Obama enters into an agreement with Iran that undermines our national security and increases the likelihood of Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon, will you as president abrogate that agreement on day one? Any President who is not willing to put the United States Constitution and the national security interests of our country above an ill-advised and foolish agreement with so-called Supreme Leader Khamenei is not fit to serve as Commander in Chief of the United States of America.”
Former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania said that candidates should pledge to not enforce whatever deal is signed with Iran:
“As someone who is contemplating running for president of the United States, I would say to the Iranian government simply this: Whatever deal you sign, if it leads, as I suspect this deal will, to you having a pathway to a nuclear weapon, this president will not enforce it, this president will call you to account and will try to shut down your program no matter what that deal says”
Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana also addressed the event on the themes of preventing a nuclear armed Iran and opposing jihadism:
Former UN Ambassador John Bolton:
You can watch video of the entire event here (starts at 6 minutes):
Media Coverage of the South Carolina National Security Action Summit:
3/11/2015 – Sunshine State News – Rick Santorum Ramps Up Florida Outreach as 2016 Nears
3/11/2015 – The State – 2016 in SC: Cruz, Jindal and Santorum speaking at national security summit in West Columbia
3/11/2015 – The Post and Courier – GOP presidential hopefuls in Columbia on Saturday
3/12/15 – The Washington Times – Cruz, Jindal, Santorum, Bolton on schedule for South Carolina security summit
3/12/15 – The Washington Times – Security-minded Republicans take on ‘global jihad,’ porous borders, dwindling military
3/14/2015 – WLTX 19 – GOP Hopefuls Speak in SC Security Summit
3/14/2015 – WISTV 10 – Cruz, Jindal, Santorum talk national security in SC
3/14/2015 – Breitbart News – Bolton: Lack of Hillary Email Security ‘800 lb. Gorilla’
3/14/2015 – The Hill – Santorum: Obama ignoring evil
3/14/2015 – WACH-FOX – Potential Presidential Candidates Visit Columbia
3/16/2015 – Salina Post – 910 KINA Coffee Talk: Is the Obama administration being to soft on Iran?
3/16/2015 – HNGN – John Bolton: Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal is ‘Unprecedented Act of Surrender’; Gravest Threat ‘Sits in Oval Office,’ Former UN Ambassador Adds
3/16/2015 – The Washington Free Beacon – Bolton PAC Takes Aim at GOP Isolationism
3/16/2015 – The Telegraph – Cruz on Late Night – Tonight
3/17/2015 – The Advocate – Bobby Jindal missed weekend event in S.C. because of canceled flight
3/22/2105 – The Hill – Cruz to announce White House bid Monday
3/26/2015 – The Hill – Bolton: Bombing Iran ‘ can still succeed’