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With Rep. Pete Hoekstra, Maj. Gen. Kenneth Israel, Charles Faddis, and Caroline Glick

Rep. PETE HOEKSTRA, retired Congressman and former Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee:
  • The timing of the New York Times article on chemical weapons found in Iraq
  • Repercussions of the Bush Administration’s cover up of of its Iraqi chemical weapons discoveries
  • Weighing the possibility of the Islamic State obtaining chemical weapons in Iraq
Maj. Gen. KENNETH ISRAEL, USAF Ret., President of the Executive Committee of the Association of Old Crows:
  • Defining electronic warfare, what it entails, and what the U.S. needs to do to win
  • Steps needed to improve the functionality and efficiency of U.S. electronic warfare
  • The new battle ground of cyberspace
CHARLES FADDIS, former head of the CIA’s WMD Terrorism Unit:
  • Grading the American government’s response to a potential Ebola outbreak
  • Shortcomings in the U.S. defense against biological terror threats
  • The urgent need to secure America’s borders in the midst of the debate over restricting air travel from West Africa
  • Debating the placement of National Guard troops at the southern U.S. border versus in West Africa

CAROLINE GLICK, author of “The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East”:

  • Why Glick chose to enter the New York Time’s controversial debate over “recognizing the non-existent state of Palestine”
  • The growth of anti-Israel sentiments in powerful European academic and political circles
  • Israel’s response to international hostilities
Secure Freedom Radio

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