2005-2006 Senate National Security Score Leaders

Wayne Allard (CO)

John Cornyn (TX)

James Inhofe (OK)

Jeff Sessions (AL)

The Center has been producing its National Security Scorecard since 1994 to illuminate the voting records of members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives on important defense and foreign policy issues.

For each congressional session we select votes on the basis of their significance to the vital security policy interests of the United States. We, moreover, select votes that offer real insights into the attitude of the legislators casting them concerning the critical national security issues of the day. Such considerations prompt us generally to exclude near-unanimous votes in favor of non-controversial or hortatory resolutions, or votes on final passage of each chambers’ annual defense spending bills or their conference reports.

The Congress shall have power to… provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States;        

-Article I, US Constitution

Also included in the reports is an alphabetical listing of those elected officials who demonstrated the greatest commitment to the security of our Nation by achieving high scores on these key votes.

Senators with the Worst 2005-2006 National Security Voting Records

Russell Feingold (WI)

Tom Harkin (IA)

Patrick Leahy (VT)

Robert Menendez (NJ)

In producing the National Security Scorecard, the Center for Security Policy hopes to assist the American people in understanding the performance of their elected officials with respect to vital national security issues — and to encourage greater accountability on the part of Senators and Members of Congress for their votes in this portfolio.

Congressional Scorecard Quick Links:

2005-2006 Scorecard 1997 Scorecard
2003-2004 Scorecard 1996 Scorecard
1998-2002 Scorecard 1995 Scorecard
Center for Security Policy

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