Month: February 2007
Evo and Peru: Conflict over a terrorist
Relations between Bolivia and Peru have sunk to a low point after Lima's demand that Bolivia extradite Walter Chavez Sanchez,...
The Threat of Terrorist Sanctuaries
By Eric Sayers. Mr. Sayers is a graduate student in political science at the University of Western Ontario, and is...
Evo and Peru: conflict over a terrorist
Bolivia's crpyto-communist leader Evo Morales is risking his relationship with Peru over an accussed terrorist. Why?By Nicole M. Ferrand Relations between...
Debating the anti-surge resolution
A U.S. Soldier with the Multi-Iraqi Transitional Team, 4th Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 5th Iraqi Army Division positively identifies and engages an enemy...
Terror’s North African front
While news from Africa has lately focused on the nearly-avoided establishment of an Islamist government in Somalia, there is another...
Telling friend from foe
One of the most difficult things in life is to draw the line between friend and foe. Take the...
Our Continued Oil Vulnerability
A Saudi wing of al Qaeda, sometimes also referred to as the Bin Laden Brigade, has renewed calls for attacks on...
Iranian activity in Iraq
Recent news reports have made it all too clear that Iranian operatives have been engaged in attacking U.S. soldiers and their...
Truly “inappropriate” behavior
President Abraham Lincoln took a dim view of those who, during wartime, acted in ways that damaged the morale...
Beijing strangles the internet
For Chinese internet users, the Communist Party is always watching. By Fred Stackelbeck The internet has become an important part...
Why the Venezuelan election was fraudulent
By Alejandro Pena Esclusa In the Presidential Elections of 2006, a massive fraud was committed. But this fraud began years...
In Africa, a step forward
On Tuesday, President Bush announced his approval of plans to stand up a new Unified Command (inter-service military command) for...
The waning of American will
Incredibly, the State Department has forced Kenya's governent to release the leader of the Islamic Courts Union, a Somali Islamofascist group. Do our...
What is at stake
Two trenchant articles in last Friday's Wall Street Journal shed light on the stakes should the Congress act this week...
With us, or else
Raise your hand if you are an Iranian Islamofascist and you want to thank Western oil companies for helping fund...