Washington, DC, October 15, 2008 The Center for Security Policy today released its seventh National Security Scorecard evaluating the performance of members of the 110th Congress on matters of great importance to the security interests of the United States.   This evaluation (which can be viewed here) recognized 30 Senators and 158 Members of the House of Representatives with the distinction of “Champions of National Security.” 

In assessing the record of the 110th Congress, the Center has selected 23 votes in the Senate and 24 votes in the House of Representatives with a view to illuminating legislators’ positions in key foreign, defense and intelligence matters of direct relevance to America’s safety, sovereignty and freedoms.   Roll call votes were selected on the basis of their utility in revealing substantive differences on significant security policy issues.

Upon releasing the new Scorecard, Center President Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. observed:  “The Center for Security Policy believes that the success of the American experiment fundamentally depends upon the quality of our representative government.   If that quality is to be maximized, the public must be apprized of their representatives’ legislative records.  

“Toward that end, the Center takes pride in producing these Scorecards for each congressional session as a means of educating the American people about their elected officials’ performance with respect to this portfolio – and of encouraging greater accountability on the part of Senators and Members of the House of Representatives for their most consequential votes.”

Mr. Gaffney added:   “Rarely has such performance and accountability been more important than today when we face dangerous and increasingly sophisticated enemies who threaten our safety and seek the destruction of our way of life.   The Center commends those in the Senate and House who have, in the face of these threats, distinguished themselves as Champions of National Security and hopes that the numbers of such legislators will grow substantially in the 111th Congress and beyond.”

Following are the Members of Congress who have been named by the Center for Security Policy as “Champions of National Security” of the 110th Congress:

U.S. Senate “Champions of National Security” of the 110th Congress.
The following Senators achieved a perfect 100% national security rating.

Alexander L (R-TN) Crapo M (R-ID) McCain J (R-AZ)
Allard W (R-CO) DeMint J (R-SC) McConnell M (R-KY)

Barrasso J (R-WY)

Ensign J (R-NV)

Murkowski L (R-AK)

Bond K (R-MO)

Enzi M (R-WY)

Roberts P (R-KS)

Brownback S (R-KS)

Grassley C (R-IA)

Shelby R (R-AL)

Bunning J (R-KY)

Hatch O (R-UT)

Thomas C (R-WY)

Burr R (R-NC)

Hutchison K (R-TX)

Thune J (R-SD)

Chambliss S (R-GA)

Inhofe J (R-OK)

Vitter D (R-LA)

Coburn T (R-OK)

Isakson J (R-GA)

Wicker R (R-MS)

Cochran T (R-MS)

Kyl J (R-AZ)

Cornyn J (R-TX)

Lott T (R-MS)


U.S. House of Representatives “Champions of National Security” of the 110th Congress. The following Members of Congress recieved at least an 85% national security rating.



Aderholt R (R-AL) Gerlach J (R-PA) Pence M (R-IN)
Akin T (R-MO) Gingrey P (R-GA) Peterson J (R-PA)
Alexander R (R-LA) Gohmert L (R-TX) Pickering C (R-MS)
Bachmann M (R-MN) Goode V (R-VA) Pitts J (R-PA)
Bachus S (R-AL) Goodlatte B (R-VA) Platts T (R-PA)
Barrett G (R-SC) Graves S (R-MO) Poe T (R-TX)
Barton J (R-TX) Hall R (R-TX) Porter J (R-NV)
Bilbray B (R-CA) Hastings D (R-WA) Price T (R-GA)
Bilirakis G (R-FL) Heller D (R-NV) Pryce D (R-OH)
Bishop R (R-UT) Hensarling J (R-TX) Putnam A (R-FL)
Blackburn M (R-TN) Herger W (R-CA) Radanovich G (R-CA)
Blunt R (R-MO) Hobson D (R-OH) Regula R (R-OH)
Boehner J (R-OH) Hoekstra P (R-MI) Rehberg D (R-MT)
Bonner J (R-AL) Hulshof K (R-MO) Renzi R (R-AZ)
Bono M (R-CA) Hunter D (R-CA) Reynolds T (R-NY)
Boozman J (R-AR) Issa D (R-CA) Rogers M (R-AL)
Boustany C (R-LA) Johnson S (R-TX) Rogers M (R-MI)
Brady K (R-TX) Jordan J (R-OH) Rohrabacher D (R-CA)
Brown H Jr. (R-SC) Keller R (R-FL) Roskam P (R-IL)
Brown-Waite G (R-FL) King P (R-NY) Royce E (R-CA)
Buchanan V (R-FL) King S (R-IA) Ryan P (R-WI)
Burgess M (R-TX) Kingston J (R-GA) Sali W (R-ID)
Burton D (R-IN) Kirk M (R-IL) Saxton J (R-NJ)
Buyer S (R-IN) Kline J (R-MN) Schmidt J (R-OH)
Calvert K (R-CA) Kuhl R (R-NY) Sensenbrenner J (R-WI)
Camp D (R-MI) LaHood R (R-IL) Sessions P (R-TX)
Campbell J (R-CA) Lamborn D (R-CO) Shadegg J (R-AZ)
Cannon C (R-UT) Latham T (R-IA) Shimkus J (R-IL)
Cantor E (R-VA) Lewis R (R-KY) Shuster B (R-PA)
Capito S (R-WV) Linder J (R-GA) Simpson M (R-ID)
Chabot S (R-OH) LoBiondo F (R-NJ) Smith A (R-NE)
Cole T (R-OK) Lucas F (R-OK) Smith L (R-TX)
Conaway M (R-TX) Lungren D (R-CA) Souder M (R-IN)
Crenshaw A (R-FL) Mack C IV (R-FL) Sullivan J (R-OK)
Cubin B (R-WY) Manzullo D (R-IL) Tancredo T (R-CO)
Culberson J (R-TX) Marchant K (R-TX) Terry L (R-NE)
Davis D (R-TN) McCarthy K (R-CA) Thornberry M (R-TX)
Davis G (R-KY) McCaul M (R-TX) Tiahrt T (R-KS)

Deal N (R-GA)


McCotter T (R-MI) Tiberi P (R-OH)
Dent C (R-PA) McCrery J (R-LA) Turner M (R-OH)
Doolittle J (R-CA) McHenry P (R-NC) Walberg T (R-MI)
Drake T (R-VA) McHugh J (R-NY) Walden G (R-OR)
Dreier D (R-CA) McKeon H (R-CA) Walsh J (R-NY)
Everett T (R-AL) Mica J (R-FL) Weldon D (R-FL)
Fallin M (R-OK) Miller C (R-MI) Weller J (R-IL)
Ferguson M (R-NJ) Miller G (R-CA) Westmoreland L (R-GA)
Flake J (R-AZ) Miller J (R-FL) Wilson H (R-NM)
Forbes R (R-VA) Moran J (R-KS) Wilson J (R-SC)
Fortenberry J (R-NE) Murphy T (R-PA) Young B (R-FL)
Fossella V (R-NY) Musgrave M (R-CO) Young D (R-AK)
Foxx V (R-NC) Myrick S (R-NC)
Franks T (R-AZ) Neugebauer R (R-TX)
Frelinghuysen R (R-NJ) Nunes D (R-CA)
Gallegly E (R-CA) Pearce S (R-NM)



 Click here for the complete 2007-2008 Congressional Scorecard



Center for Security Policy

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