With Mark Krikorian, Roger Noriega, Larry Wortzel, Ambassador Dore Gold

MARK KRIKORIAN, of the Center of Immigration Studies, examines the up coming Immigration Reform bill discussion, looking closely at the Republicans’ likelihood of defeating the bill and John Boehner’s personal affiliation with the bill. Frank and Mark discuss Bill Kristol and Rich Lowry’s recent immigration article, “Kill the Bill”.

ROGER NORIEGA, of the American Enterprise Institute, looks at the decline of US supremacy, something that the United States used to enjoy in world affairs, while also looking to the future of Iran in Latin America and what the United States could do to counter this threat and make it obsolete.


LARRY WORTZEL, Commissioner of the U.S.- China Economic and Security Commission and former US military attache to China, discusses his new book The Dragon Extends it Reach: Chinese Military Power Goes Global. Frank and Larry also discuss Chinese Space endeavors, Chinese cyberwarfare, and Chinese nuclear capabilities.

Ambassador DORE GOLD analyzes the threats that Israel faces currently with the region’s instability, as well as gives his outlook on the steps Israel and the United States need to take in order to prevent a worst-case scenario in the region.

Secure Freedom Radio

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