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With Rep. John Fleming, Claudia Rosett, Andy McCarthy, Clare Lopez

Congressman JOHN FLEMING, of the 4th Congressional District of Louisiana, gives his insight on the battle for religious freedom within the military. He also more deeply examines the Lacey Act and Americans being prosecuted on American soil with foreign laws.

CLAUDIA ROSETT, journalist in residence at Foundation for Defense of Democracies, discusses her article, UNESCO’s Grotesque Embrace of Che Guevara, looking deeper into the organization and what it truly stands for.

ANDY MCCARTHY, of the National Review Online, covers a variety of topics ranging from the meaning behind the Abu Ghraib prison escape to the reason why Samantha Power is losing support in the Senate.

CLARE LOPEZ. of, dissects the underlying agenda of the National Iranian American Council to promote the Iranian agenda in American foreign policy.

Secure Freedom Radio

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