I had a front row seat yesterday as members of the Senate Judiciary Committee took turns denouncing the terrorist detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. They had many complaints about this facility and the subcommittee chairman, Sen. Dick Durban, stacked the deck with witnesses who agreed with them.

When my turn came to respond, I took on the charge most insistently – and misleadingly – made.  The critics repeatedly justified their calls for closing Gitmo by branding it a “recruiting tool” for our terrorist enemies.

Actually, a far bigger boost to the Islamists’ recruitment would be tangible evidence that we are losing.  And that’s how the jihadists would perceive our abandoning an effective weapon against them like Gitmo.  Senators beware: Such unilateral disarmament would ensure more jihad, not less, including in America.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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