With John Bolton, Gordon Chang, David Sater, Robert Springborg

JOHN BOLTON, former US Ambassador to the UN, reflects on what the Al Qaeda threat that has prompted the closing of US embassies and missions in the Middle East and North Africa shows about President Obama’s foreign policy failures in that region over the last five years.

GORDON CHANG, of Forbes.com, exposes the flaw in the administration’s plan to strip Lajas Air Force Base, a base strategically located in the Azores Islands, of most of the base’s personnel, making it a ghost base and subsequently allowing Chinese power to move in and threaten the region and the United States.

DAVID SATTER, of the Hudson Institute, analyzes Russia’s response to hold onto Edward Snowden and its impact on a policy “reset,” the threat assessment of Snowden, and his self-image as a human rights activist.

ROBERT SPRINGBORG, Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School, examines a paper written by the current leader of Egypt, General Abdul Fatah Al-Sissi, that dissects Islam and its compatibility to democracy, as well as looks at how the current leader is different from his predecessor in terms of his lack of desire for a transnational Islamic agenda.

Secure Freedom Radio

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