Syrian Chemical Attacks Throw the Country into Further Turnmoil

With Michelle Van Cleave, Paul Kengor, Adam Kredo, Fred Fleitz

With Michelle Van Cleave, Paul Kengor, Adam Kredo, Fred Fleitz

MICHELLE VAN CLEAVE, former counterintelligence executive and member of the Jack Kemp Foundation, dives into the US intelligence situation, looking at the damage done by Snowden and Manning and the history of checks and balances on covert organizations since the time of the Founding Fathers.

Dr. PAUL KENGOR, of Grove City College, reflects on the achievements made by the late Reagan-era Judge William P. Clark.

ADAM KREDO, of the Washington Free Beacon, examines the chemical weapons attacks in Syria and Al Jazeera entering the American market.

FRED FLEITZ, of, gives an overview of several events occurring throughout the world including; the recent  chemical weapons attack in Syria, the Nidal Hasan trial, and the new Saudi order.

Secure Freedom Radio

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