A Growing Gap Between The White House and Israel

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With Amb. Yoram Ettinger, Jim Hanson, John Schindler, Diana West

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With Amb. Yoram Ettinger, Jim Hanson, John Schindler, Diana West

YORAM ETTINGER, a former Israeli Ambassador to the United States, discusses Secretary of State John Kerry’s meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the gap that exists between the White House and the position of Israel.

JIM HANSON, of Blackfive.net, talks about the hollowing out of the U.S. military, and the Obama administration’s unwillingness to deter America’s enemies.

JOHN SCHINDLER, professor at the U.S. Naval War College, explores the issue of intelligence leaks and their impact on national security.

DIANA WEST, syndicated columnist and author, analyzes the results from the elections yesterday and what they mean politically for the US going forward.

Secure Freedom Radio

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