The NSA and Policy for Policy’s Sake

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With Louie Gohmert, Bill Roggio, Bill Gertz, Fred Fleitz

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With Louie Gohmert, Bill Roggio, Bill Gertz, Fred Fleitz

LOUIE GOHMERT, US Representative from the First Congressional District of Texas, weighs in on the recent repudiation of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, as well as the ties between border security and immigration policy.

BILL ROGGIO, editor of the Long War Journal, outlines what the growing dangers in the Middle East are.

BILL GERTZ, reporter for the Washington Times and the Washington Free Beacon, theorizes what might happen to the way agencies like the NSA are allowed to collect data after President Obama’s planned speech tomorrow.

FRED FEITZ, managing editor of, offers his critique on the recently proposed policy recommendations made in the Liberty and Security in A Changing World report, which addressed the issue of privacy rights and National Security Agency (NSA) collection practices.

Secure Freedom Radio

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