Imad Mughniyeh: Iran’s Leaders Honor Hezbollah Terror Master Amidst Nuke Talks

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With Jerry Boykin, Orde Kittrie, Diana West, Christian Whiton

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With Jerry Boykin, Orde Kittrie, Diana West, Christian Whiton

Ret. Lt. Gen. JERRY BOYKIN, former US Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, articulates the shortcomings of a recent Senate report on the Benghazi attack on 9/11/12. Boykin also describes how the growing acceptance of “replacement theory” among Evangelical Christians is being used by anti-Zionists.

ORDE KITTRIE, of Foundation for Defense of Democracies, digs deeper into the meaning of the Iranian Foreign Minister’s visit to the grave of Imad Mugniyah, a Hezbollah operative who was responsible for several terrorist attacks around the globe.

DIANA WEST, syndicated columnists and author, discusses the tensions between conservative extremist Islamists and “mainstream” American culture.

CHRISTIAN WHITON, former State Department official and author of “Smart Power,” provides his analysis of the influence of Putin’s Russia amongst its former satellite states. He also discusses Obama’s recent vow to extend privacy rights to foreigners.

Secure Freedom Radio

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