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With Senator David Vitter, Kim Holmes, Erick Stakelbeck, Donald Reay

Louisiana Senator David Vitter argues that Hillary Clinton purposefully suppressed evidence from Congress in order to keep Boko Haram from being labeled a terrorist organization.

“For many years under her watch Hillary Clinton and the State Department refused to properly label [Boko Haram] as a terrorist organization. We’ve been digging into it, and we’re finding that they also misrepresented facts to Congress and failed to properly report required facts to Congress. Now, the obvious question is why?” 

On today’s show:

DAVID VITTER, United States Senator from Louisiana:

  • Iraq: a warning that Iran is “playing all sides” in the Sunni—Shiite conflict, and past US policy failures that contributed to the current instability in Iraq
  • The role that lax enforcement of immigration laws has played in causing the current surge of illegal immigration
  • Hillary Clinton’s failure to fully report required information regarding Boko Haram–why weren’t they labeled as a terrorist organization during her tenure as Secretary of State?

KIM HOLMES, former Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs:

  • Short and long term impact of Russia’s decision to cut off gas to Ukraine, and Russia’s continued supplying of military equipment to Ukrainian rebels
  • How walking away from Iraq seems to have helped create another “unnecessary war”
  • The Obama administration’s relationship with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation

ERICK STAKELBECK, host of “The Watchman with Erick Stakelbeck”:

  • Understanding ISIS’s goal of a caliphate in Iraq and Syria
  • Arguments against the US cooperating with Iran in fighting against ISIS in Iraq
  • The threat posed by Muslim Brotherhood operatives in the United States
  • Danger from Western ISIS fighters returning home as battle-hardened jihadists

DONALD REAY, Executive Director of the Texas Border Sheriffs Coalition

  • Similarities to Hurricane Katrina of the impact that the influx of illegal immigrants is having on the local government services of southern border communities
  • Health and safety concerns created by large numbers of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. with no medical or background exams, and frustration that border counties are forced to foot the bill of responding to the crisis
  • Executive branch policies concerning immigration that circumvented laws passed by the Legislative Branch and contributed to the surge of illegal immigrants entering the U.S.
Secure Freedom Radio

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