Founded in 1981 following a summit by high level Muslim Brotherhood leaders, the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) is the leading Islamist think tank in the world. Despite a federal investigation into its ties to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad fundraising, members of IIIT continue to operate among the Washington policy community. This addition to the Center for Security Policy Occasional Paper Series examines the founding of IIIT, its disturbing ideology calling for “the Islamization of knowledge” and “civilizational battle,” and its troubling ties to terrorist organizations.

Read the paper at the link below.

pdf iconKyle Shideler and David Daoud: International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT): The Muslim Brotherhood’s Think Tank | Center for Security Policy Occasional Paper Series | July 28, 2014 (PDF 14 pages, 245kB)

IIIT Backgrounder final 07-28-14

Center for Security Policy

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