Canadian Senate Committee Calls for Scrutiny of Muslim Brotherhood

Canada continues to take prominent and important steps to secure themselves from Jihadist terror, even as the U.S. government continues to dismantle its own security. While the Canadian government was able to successfully pass the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2015, (which the Center for Security Policy had the pleasure to testify on,), even in the face of heavy left-wing and Pro-Muslim Brotherhood opposition, the U.S. Congress successfully passed only a watered down renewal of the Patriot Act, after swallowing misinformation about the nature of the surveillance and how it is carried out.

Now the Canadian Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defense has released an important terrorism report, regarding steps to be taken in order to secure Canada from the terror threat. Perhaps most importantly:

Recommendation 21– The Muslim Brotherhood and entities closely associated with it, be reviewed by CSIS as a priority, with the intent of determining whether it should be designated a terrorist entity.
During the C-51 debate, the Canadian parliament heard repeated testimony from a wide variety of experts which clearly stated the ideological threat posed by the Muslim Brotherhood, and its role in the process of indoctrinating individuals towards terrorism, as well as its penchant for supporting both financially and morally, terrorist groups, including Hamas and Al Qaeda. It’s an extremely positive development to see the Canadian government taking this threat seriously.
By comparison, the U.S. Government has embraced the “Countering Violent Extremism” concept, which mandates continued outreach to Muslim community organizations in preventing Islamic terrorism. Unfortunately the vast majority of these organizations prove to be Muslim Brotherhood front groups.
In fact, the White House now apparently intends to import Canadian Muslim “extremism” expert Hussein Hamdani to attend a follow up CVE meeting this July. Ironically, Hamdani was ousted from his role advising the Canadian government, over his ties to Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated organizations, including the Muslim Students Association (MSA), for whom Hamdani wrote a guide on how to effectively “Islamicize” campus politics.
It is long since past time that the Western world change course in dealing with Islamic terrorism. Fortunately, Canada is now leading the way in this fight, with practical, common sense methods, which stand a real chance at undermining the Muslim Brotherhood’s role in indoctrinating individuals to jihad.
Kyle Shideler

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