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With Patrick Poole, Burak Bekdil, Fred Fleitz, Adm. James “Ace” Lyons

PATRICK POOLE, National Security Analyst at PJ Media:

  • Possible causes of the downing of a Russian Airliner
  • Political and economic impact of ISIS operations in Egypt
  • President el-Sisi’s handling of the Muslim Brotherhood


  • Legislation labeling the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization
  • Obama Administration’s support of the MB in America
  • Dangers of admitting Syrian refugees to the US

BURAK BEKDIL, Turkey expert at the Gatestone Institute and columnist for the Ankara-based Hürriyet Daily News:

  • Implications of Turkey’s elections
  • Likelihood of voter fraud in Turkey’s elections
  • Definition of the “Neo-Ottomans”
  • Possibility of President Erdogan establishing a Caliphate

FRED FLEITZ, Senior Vice President of Policy and Programs at the Center for Security Policy, and former CIA Analyst:

  • Iran’s ballistic missile test violating UN sanctions
  • Evidence of contempt shown towards the United States from Tehran
  • Discrepancies between the American and Iranian versions of the nuclear deal

Adm. JAMES “ACE” LYONS, Chairman of the Center for Security Policy’s Military Committee, and former Commander-in-Chief of the US Navy Pacific Fleet:

  • Updated on the Iranian nuclear agreement
  • Advice in dealing with the Regime in Tehran
  • Response to China’s military expansion in the South China Sea
Secure Freedom Radio

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