With Amb. Hank Cooper, Frank Calzon, George Rasley, Elaine Donnelly and Bill Gertz

AMB. HANK COOPER, Director of the Strategic Defensive Initiative Organization (SDIO) during the Bush Administration, Chairman of Applied Research Associates, Senior Associate of the National Institute of Public Policy, Visiting Fellow at the Heritage Center:

  • Why Space is the answer to our defense problems
  • The Missile Defense Agency must implement new technology
  • How we can protect our electric grid

FRANK CALZON, Executive Director at the Center for a Free Cuba in Washington, D.C., Former DC representative for Freedom House:

  • Havana’s hostile history with U.S. diplomats
  • Dissecting Cuba’s sonic attack speculation
  • Who is Miguel Diaz Canel?
  • Obama’s Cuba legacy

GEORGE RASLEY, Editor of Conservative HQ:

  • Critical look into the Trump Administration
  • The President’s new plan for Afghanistan
  • H.R. McMaster’s incompatibility to President Trump

ELAINE DONNELLY, Founder and President of the Center for Military Readiness. Appointed by President George H.W. Bush to the Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces in 1992:

  • Psychological illness and Military deployment
  • RAND Corporation ‘estimates’ on transgenders in the Military
  • The White House’s new guidelines for implementing the transgender ban

BILL GERTZ, Senior editor at the Washington Free Beacon, Inside the Ring columnist at the Washington Times, Author of iWar: War and Peace in the Information Age (2016):

  • Possible economic warfare involved with USS John McCain
  • U.S. artificial intelligence policy development
  • The vulnerability of our electric grid
Secure Freedom Radio

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