Iran’s Attack Require Us to Double-Down on the Regime

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps shot down an American drone today over international waters in the Strait of Hormuz. It’s the latest in a series of escalating Iranian attacks on U.S. assets and allies in the Persian Gulf region.

It is also a sign of the devastating effect President Trump’s maximum pressure campaign is having. In the race against time – aimed at heading off the ayatollahs’ quest to acquire useable nuclear weapons – such lashing out is actually proof of their weakness and growing desperation.

The United States must now double-down by taking off-line selected Iranian energy assets, taking down key IRGC military capabilities and taking out, through cyber and other means, its most important business operations. We should also align explicitly with the people of Iran in their desire to be free of the government that represses them and threatens us.

This is Frank Gaffney.

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