Mobilization of Red-Green forces nationwide has kicked into high gear to galvanize protesters against the 7-9 July 2019 Christians United For Israel (CUFI) rally to be held at the Washington, DC Convention Center. The George Soros-linked organization, Civic Action, came up online 6 July 2019 to distribute #CounterCUFI ads posted earlier on the Internet by the Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA) organizers of the WDC protest. Social media posts by Civic Action urging solidarity with the Counter CUFI protest movement have now appeared on individual Facebook accounts for major cities across the United States (U.S.) including Austin, TX; Baltimore, MD; Boston, MA; Charlotte, NC; Chicago, IL; Cleveland, OH; Detroit, MI; Houston, TX; Los Angeles, CA; Miami, FL; New York City, NY; Portland, OR; Philadelphia, PA; Seattle, WA; and Washington, D.C.

Under the organizational leadership of FOSNA, a broad-based contingent of other antisemitic, hard left, and Islamic Movement organizations is also planning to converge on Washington, DC beginning Sunday 7 July 2019 to protest against CUFI and the thousands of expected attendees, guests, and speakers at these events. Vice President Mike Pence is expected to address the CUFI Summit at 11:00 am on Monday 8 July 2019.

It is concerning to note that earlier FOSNA postings about the planned protests included reference to “civil disobedience.” Among the groups joining FOSNA to promote the Counter CUFI rally are American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), Jewish Voice for Peace, and the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights. Online endorsements have come from the Adalah Justice Project, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), Baltimore Palestine Solidarity, CODEPINK, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA – which has a strong presence inside the Democratic Party in Congress), the Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA), Kairos USA, the Mennonite Palestine Israel Network (MennoPIN), National Students for Justice in Palestine, Occupation Free D.C., Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace (PCAP), Tree of Life Educational Fund, and dozens more.

As the Center for Security Policy (CSP) reported on 21 June 2019, Linda Sarsour, who is closely affiliated with the HAMAS-associated Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), will be a featured keynote speaker for FOSNA at the protest. Representative Betty McCollum (Democrat from Minnesota’s 4th District) is also named online as a social media point of contact. Elected to Congress in 2000, McCollum has long staked out a vocal anti-Israel position, often in solidarity with then-Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN), who is now the MN State District Attorney and has long been closely associated with Muslim Brotherhood front groups including CAIR and the Muslim American Society (MAS).

Civic Action itself was founded in 2017 by Nick Hanauer, a Seattle, WA entrepreneur who serves on the Board of Directors for the George Soros-financed hard left Democracy Alliance. Its Facebook presence indicates at least an online representation in dozens of U.S. cities across the country. Civic Action appears to be among the key Internet organizers for the FOSNA Counter CUFI protests.

Of possible concern for CUFI organizers and local WDC law enforcement is the organized presence of Antifa on the ground in WDC. On 6 July 2019, Antifa (anarchist, communist street thugs) clashed with WDC police as its black-clad, masked rabble tried to disrupt a “Demand Free Speech” rally on the downtown streets. Black Lives Matter (BLM), likewise founded by self-avowed communists, joined with Antifa attempting to attack the free speech representatives. No arrests and no injuries were reported at that afternoon event, but in other street clashes as occurred in Portland, Oregon in June 2019, Antifa did riot violently, forcing police to use tear gas against its assailants.

As of this writing, there is no confirmed information that either Antifa or BLM plans to join the Counter CUFI demonstrations in WDC, but the possibility remains a realistic one.

Center for Security Policy

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