Understanding the deal of the century from a Muslim perspective

On the historic “Deal of the Century”: BRAVO!   The Palestinians (really the Muslims of pre-1948 British-mandated Palestine) answer to any deal – certainly this one – had to an unequivocal NO.


On the historic “Deal of the Century”: BRAVO!  The Palestinians (really the Muslims of pre-1948 British-mandated Palestine) answer to any deal – certainly this one – had to an unequivocal NO.

According to them, any territory ever captured by Muslims must remain Muslim forever. All of Israel and the West Bank were captured by the Muslims in 637-638 AD/CE.

That means all of this land – from a Muslim perspective – cannot ever be under non-Muslim sovereignty. According to Islam, it must be ruled by Muslims forever. Non-Muslims therefore cannot have sovereignty over any land ever captured by Muslims. (That means also that Spain, which Muslims ruled from, 712-1492 AD/CE still belongs to the Muslims. )  Tel Aviv therefore is, from the Muslim perspective, as much a settlement as any of the Jewish communities are in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria.)  Jews, from a Muslim perspective, cannot have sovereignty over either, because they are Muslim lands forever.  (Only a “thought revolution” in Islam – where the Muslim re-examine their sources –  could ever change this view. And this does not look possible for the foreseeable future.)

Yasser Arafat – at Camp David with then Israeli leftist Prime Minister Ehud Barak and President Bill Clinton – explained it best. Barak offered him everything in the West Bank and East Jerusalem – except what was under the Temple Mount which Barak said were the remains of the Jewish Temple, for peace. Arafat, as described by Pres. Clinton, jumped up, and visibly shakened, said there never was a Jewish Temple, and then said what was really on his mind “I will not have tea with Sadat.”

Sadat had signed an agreement with Israel and was assassinated for doing so, even though when he returned to Egypt, Sadat gave a speech end with the words “I did what I did now for the good of Egypt. What will happen in the future will happen in the future – i.e., in Muslim ears – the time will come when we will be able to take this Muslim land.)If the international community- benighted Yasser Arafat couldn’t agree to any type of peace agreement with Israel, certainly no two-bit “leader” like Mahmoud Abbas could even hope to do so.

The fatal flaw of the Oslo process and other attempts to attain an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians (i.e., Muslims), is that those agreements all gave the Palestinians a veto power over any deal.  This deal takes that veto away.

BRAVO President Trump. BRAVO Prime Minister Netanyahu and their awesome teams who recognized this reality and put this deal together.

Harold Rhode
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