ZOA is right, Lob is wrong for the Conference of Presidents

Mort Klein is the President of the Zionist Organization of America, the most robust Jewish advocacy group in the country. His parents survived the Holocaust and he became a tireless opponent of anti-Semitism and defender of America, Israel and their bilateral relationship.

Mort Klein is the President of the Zionist Organization of America, the most robust Jewish advocacy group in the country. His parents survived the Holocaust and he became a tireless opponent of anti-Semitism and defender of America, Israel and their bilateral relationship.

Mr. Klein consequently rightly opposes the nomination of Dianne Lob to chair the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations. She formerly chaired HIAS, a group that used to help resettle Jews in the United States. Under Ms. Lob’s leadership, however, HIAS became preoccupied with making money on government contracts by resettling mostly unassimilable Muslims here.

Were Dianne Lob actually to get the job, she’d surely promote the hard Left’s efforts simultaneously to dominate and vilify American Jews, while currying favor with Sharia-supremacist Muslims and their fellow travelers. That would be terrible for the Conference of Presidents, for Israel and for America.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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