Warning – The Chinese Communist Party is on the march this August

Computer chip with chinese flag. 3d conceptual illustration

Computer chip with chinese flag. 3d conceptual illustration

The so-called “dog days of August” can be a dangerous time. Enemies of freedom often deliberately choose this window to engage in dangerous, and sometimes game-changing, aggression. The Chinese Communist Party seems to be following that playbook now.

Fresh from its murderous incursion into India and its crushing of freedom in Hong Kong, the CCP is engaging in large-scale exercises that look like cover for an invasion of Taiwanese islands and perhaps Taiwan itself. Massive Chinese fishing fleets, with vessels that could be armed among them, are heading into waters controlled by Japan and those of our own hemisphere’s pristine Galapagos Islands controlled by Ecuador.

Throw into the mix the ongoing effects of the CCP’s biological assault deliberately unleashed on this country and the Party’s increasingly brazen efforts to prevent President Trump’s reelection and this August may literally be an explosive one.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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