Trump’s right – Fraudulent elections mean no America

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You’d never know it by listening to the so-called “mainstream” media and the Big Tech enforcers of their political narratives, but Donald Trump just compellingly documented that the 2020 presidential race was riddled with fraud.

Indeed, the President showed that the cumulative effect of myriad voting irregularities, statistically implausible “spikes” in ballots for one candidate that mysteriously appeared when tallying was suspended in many swing states and election machinery engineered for manipulation has been to deprive him illegally of far more votes than he needs to win the election.

Not content with suppressing such information, highly partisan journalists are insisting that expert witnesses are lying, sworn affidavits are not evidence and forensic research doesn’t exit.

President Trump is right. We won’t have a country if we allow such fraud and electoral theft to go unchallenged and uncorrected. That cannot happen.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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