30th Anniversary
Center for Security Policy

Celebrating Thirty Years:  A conversation with Frank Gaffney, Admiral Ace Lyons, Gordon Chang, and more…

Over the years, CSP has been honored to receive commendations from many distinguished Americans and we will be sharing their remarks with you as a part of our anniversary campaign. President Ronald Reagan received our Keeper of the Flame Award in 1995 and we are delighted to share his letter commemorating that evening.

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As a supporter of the Center, you join with us in honoring those who protect America. Each year, we honor individuals at annual galas with a Freedom Flame Award, Mightier Pen Award, or Keeper of the Flame Award.

Keeper of the Flame Award

The Keeper of the Flame Award was inaugurated in 1990 by the Center for Security Policy to bestow recognition on those individuals who devote their public careers to the propagation of democracy and the respect for individual rights throughout the world. The Award both acknowledges the past contributions of its recipients and reminds others who share their commitment to freedom of the work yet to be done. 

1990: The Honorable Caspar Weinberger – Former Secretary of Defense

1991: Garry Kasparov – World Chess Champion

1992: The Honorable Malcolm Wallop – Member, Senate Armed Services Committee

1993: The Honorable Malcolm S. Forbes, Jr.- Publisher of Forbes Magazine

1994: The Honorable Jon Kyl – Member, House Armed Services Committee

1995: President Ronald Reagan – 40th President of the United States

1996: The Honorable Newt Gingrich – Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

1997: The Honorable Christopher Cox – Chairman, Select Committee on Chinese Technology Theft

1998:The Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld – Former Secretary of Defense

1999: General James L. Jones – Commandant, U.S. Marine Corps

2000: The Honorable Floyd Spence – Chairman, House Armed Services Committee

2001: The Honorable James Schlesinger – Former Secretary of Defense; Former Secretary of Energy; Former Director of Central Intelligence

2002: General Richard B. Meyers – Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

2003: The Honorable Paul Wolfowitz – Deputy Secretary of Defense

2004: General Peter Pace – Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

2005: The Honorable James Inhofe – Member, Senate Armed Services Committee

2006: The Honorable Duncan Hunter – Chairman, House Armed Services Committee

2007: The Honorable Joseph Lieberman – Chairman, Senate Armed Services Committee

2008: General Jack Keane – Former Vice Chief of Staff, U.S. Army

2009: The Honorable Dick Cheney – 46th Vice President of the United States

2010: General James Conway – Commandant of the Marine Corps

2011: The Honorable Howard McKeon – Chairman, House Armed Services Committee

2012: The Honorable Peter King – Chairman, House Armed Services Committee

2013: The Honorable C.W. “Bill” Young – Chairman, House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee

2014: The Honorable Michelle Bachman – Member, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

Honorary Frank Wolf – Chairman, House Commerce; Chairman, Justice Appropriations  Subcommittee

2015: The Honorable Jeff Sessions – Chairman, Senate Budget Committee

2016: Morton Klein – President, Zionist Organization of America

2017: The Honorable Ted Cruz – Chairman, Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution

2018: The Honorable Devin Nunes — Chairman, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

Freedom Flame Award

 Since 1992, the Center for Security Policy has recognized with its Freedom Flame Award individuals who have strived with great effect to promote liberty and safeguard those who cherish it via the practice of peace through strength.

1992: Margaret Thatcher – Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

1993: Dr. Albert Wohlstetter – Nuclear Strategist

1994: Dr. Robert H. Krieble – Philanthropist

1996: The Honorable William J. Casey – Former CIA Director

1997: The Honorable Edwin Meese III – Former Counselor to the President and Attorney General of the U.S.

1998: The Honorable Jeane Kirkpatrick – Former U.S. Representative to the United Nations

2002: The Honorable Fred Thompson

2004: Lawrence & Susan Kadish – Philanthropists

2005: The Honorable Richard Perle – Former Assistant Secretary of Defense

2006: The Honorable John Bolton – U.S. Representative to the United Nations

2007: The Honorable Ray Kelly – New York City Police Commissioner

2008: The Honorable R. James Woolsey – Former CIA Director

2009: Dr. Herb London – President, Hudson Institute

2010: “The Manhattan Seven” – Debra Burlingame, Andrew C. McCarthy, Aaron Harrison, Tim Brown, Tim Sumner, Beth Gilinsky, Amanda Bowman

2011: The Honorable John Lehman – Former Secretary of the Navy

2012: The Honorable Michael Mukasey – 81st Attorney General of the United States

2013: The Honorable Allen West – Former Member of the U.S. House of Representatives

2014: The Honorable Judge Jeanine Pirro

2015: The Honorable Trent Franks – Former Member of U.S. House of Representatives

2016: The Honorable Ron Dermer – Israeli Ambassador to the United States

2018: Tom Fitton – President, Judicial Watch

Mightier Pen Award

The Mightier Pen Award was launched in 2001 in recognition of individuals who have, through their published writings, contributed to the public’s appreciation of the need for robust U.S. national security policies and military strength as an indispensable ingredient in promoting international peace.

2001: Mark Helprin – Author, Commentator, Senior Fellow of the Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy, Fellow of the American Academy in Rome, Member of the Council on Foreign Relations

2002: Charles Krauthammer – Pulitzer Prize-Winning Columnist, Political Commentator

2003: Abe Rosenthal – New York Times Executive Editor and Columnist, Ney York Daily News Columnist

2004: William F. Buckley, Jr. – Author, Commentator, Founder of National Review Magazine

2005: Claudia Rosett – Writer, Journalist, Exposed the U.N. Oil-for-Food Scandal

2006: Lou Dobbs – Anchor of “Lou Dobbs Tonight” on Fox Business Network

2007: Mark Steyn – Author, Political Commentator

2008: Andrew McCarthy – National Review Columnist, Best-Selling Author, Former Assistant United States Attorney

2009: Norman Podhoeretz – Editor-at-Large of Commentary Magazine

2010:   Dick Morris – Best-Selling Author and Political Commentator

Eileen McGann – Lawyer, Columnist, and Author

2012: Roger Ailes – Chairman and CEO of Fox News and the Fox Television Stations Group

2013: Diana WestNationally Syndicated Columnist and Author of: The Death of the Grown-up: How America’s Arrested Development is Bringing Down Western Civilization

2018: Eric Metaxas –  Author and Host of the Eric Metaxas Show

Terry Elkes Sacred Honor Award

Launched in 2005 and named after Terry Elkes, a founding member of the Center’s Board of Regents, the Terry Elkes Sacred Honor Award is a tribute to those who, directly and though their generous support of the Center, make possible the defense and advance of freedom.

2005: The Davis Foundation

2006: David Luke III

2007: Eugene Grant

2008: Jack Templeton

2009: Barbara Winston

2010: Joseph W. Donner

2011: E. Miles Prentice III

2012: The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation

2014: Ambassador Bruce Gelb

2015: Irwin Hochberg

2018: T. Boone Pickens


Keeping our country safer means being aware of the dangers we face and supporting those who protect us.

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Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
Edmund Burke