ACLU, Amnesy International sue al-Qaeda

A boy tortured by al-Qaeda in Iraq

This headline is of course false.  For all their protesting about Gitmo, the ACLU and Amnesty seem to be able to turn a blind eye to real torture and inhumanity. 

As the Smoking Gun Reports "In a recent raid on an al-Qaeda safe house in Iraq, U.S. military officials recovered an assortment of crude drawings depicting torture methods like ‘blowtorch to the skin’ and ‘eye removal.’ (Warning: the pictures on the Smoking Gun website may be disturbing and graphic to some.)

Last week, Coalition Forces freed five Iraqis who were found in a padlocked room in Karmah. The group, which included a boy (see photo), were reportedly beaten with chains, cables, and hoses.


Center for Security Policy

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