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The PLO’s Misuse of International Donations

  • “In August 1994, $13 million in
    international contributions that were supposed to
    go for humanitarian projects in Gaza and Jericho
    was diverted to the PLO military and propaganda
    activities in Lebanon.”
  • “On December 31, 1994, the PLO’s Palestinian
    Authority took $1 million in international
    donations and gave it to the PLO ‘Martyrs Fund’
    in Amman.”
  • “In 1994, Britain’s Overseas Development
    Agency sent $5 million to pay the salaries of
    9,000 PLO policemen, with specific instructions
    that none of the money be given to Arafat’s
    plainclothes ‘preventative security forces’ —
    yet more than $500,000 was given to those forces
    prompting a British government
  • “Norway’s attorney general and the U.N.
    oversight committee are investigating the
    disappearance of a $100,000 Norwegian grant for a
    PLO agricultural project.”
  • “A study in 1993 by Great Britain’s
    National Criminal Intelligence Service concluded
    that the PLO has worldwide assets of $7-10
    billion and an annual income of $1.5-2

The PLO’s Failure to Disarm Terrorists

  • “According to Israeli media reports, the PLO
    police in Gaza have confiscated just 11 of the
    more than 26,000 illegal weapons that are in the
    hands of private citizens.”
  • On 20 May 1995, the New York Times
    reported with respect to the 11 May
    “deadline” for Palestinian Arabs to
    hand in unlicensed weapons:
  • “The deadline came and went without
    any visible response by the Palestinian
    security forces. There have been no sweeps of
    neighborhoods to find unlicensed weapons or
    to disarm Muslim militants, and Palestinians
    who missed the deadline for licensing their
    guns have not been punished.”

The PLO’s Failure to Extradite Terrorists

  • The PLO has refused to turn over to Israel the
    half-dozen or so terrorists it has asked be
    extradited from PA-controlled territory. PLO
    Police Chief Nasser Yussef actually said that his
    forces “will refuse to hand over to Israel
    alleged perpetrators of operations against the
    Jewish State who seek refuge in the self-rule
    areas.” No PLO terrorists involved in the
    murder of Americans have been surrendered to the
    U.S. government.

Collaboration Between the PLO and Hamas

  • “In early 1994, Muin Shreim, first counselor
    to the PLO’s Mission to the U.N., had this to say
    about the PLO-Hamas relationship: ‘We don’t
    disagree with [Hamas]. Our tactics vary; our
    schedules might vary….There is a local
    cooperation between Fatah and Hamas.'”
  • In April 1995, Arafat urged Hamas to refrain from
    launching attacks “from areas under his
    political control,” implying that he had no
    objection to attacks against Israelis from areas not
    under his control.

The PLO’s Failure to Condemn Terrorism

  • “During the first year of Gaza-Jericho,
    there were at least 184 Arab terrorist attacks
    (leaving 102 dead and 308 injured). After the
    January 1995, massacre of 21 Israelis in Beit
    Lid, PLO officials quoted Arafat as having said
    that ‘the attack was a criminal one that
    threatens the entire peace process’ and ‘harmed
    the prospective release of prisoners and the
    transfer of authority [to Arafat].'”

The PLO’s Failure to Change Its Covenant

  • No action has been taken even to attempt to
    change the PLO Covenant’s explicit call for the
    destruction of the State of Israel. This would
    require the agreement of a two-thirds majority of
    the total membership of the PLO National Council,
    currently numbering 480.

The PLO’s Failure to Urge Arabs to Reject

  • Arafat has also publicly praised the violent
    Palestinian Arab Intifada saying that it
    must “continue, continue, continue.”
    Indeed, he declared on the very same day that
    he received the Nobel Peace Prize
    “the Intifada will continue until
    Palestine is redeemed with blood and fire.”

The PLO’s Failure to Respect Israeli

  • The PLO continues to use stationary featuring a
    map which labels all of Israel as
    “Palestine.” The stationary is headed
    “State of Palestine,” and Arafat refers
    to himself as “President of Palestine.”

The PLO’s Failure to Refrain from Anti-Israeli

  • A speech by Arafat, read by PLO Justice Minister
    Freigh Abu Medein at a 12 May, 1995 rally in Gaza
    (and broadcast two days later on the PLO’s Voice
    of Palestine Radio), said: “I say once more
    that Israel shall remain the principal enemy of
    the Palestinian people not only for the moment
    but also in the future. On this basis we should
    close our ranks to create a national unity.”
  • According to the 16 June 1995 Jerusalem Post,
    Abu Medein announced the day before that
    “The Palestinian Authority will uphold a
    Jordanian law permitting anyone who sells land to
    Jews to be killed.”

(1) Largely drawn from the Zionist
Organization of America’s Report on PLO Compliance — May
4, 1994- May 4, 1995.

Center for Security Policy

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