Bush’s peace institute nominee targeted by terrorist backers; Islamists defame Dan Pipes

Supporters of Hamas and other terrorist groups are trying to shoot down President Bush’s nomination of a new board member for the US Institute of Peace.

The American Muslim Council (AMC), the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and other groups whose leaders have backed Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other terrorist causes, are trying to prevent Dr. Daniel Pipes, an internationally recognized authority on the operations of those causes, from joining the peace institute board.

Surprisingly, a White House not exactly renowned for tolerating perceived disloyalty has, to date, not penalized those who have engaged in such activities. Many continue to be afforded the opportunity to meet with administration officials – then cite such meetings in press releases and public statements as evidence that they must not be terrorist sympathizers, after all.

Thus emboldened, the AMC, CAIR and other organizations like the Islamic Institute have launched a jihad against Dr. Pipes, a strong critic of terroristic adherents of extremist mutations of Islam known as “Islamists,” to keep him away from the US Institute of Peace. The jihadists are demanding the appointment be withdrawn and are urging the Senate to reject it if the president doesn’t do their bidding.

One of the reasons they hate him: In their quest for legitimacy, the AMC, CAIR, Islamic Institute and company have demeaned all Muslims by pretending there is no distinction between law-abiding, patriotic, tolerant Americans of the Islamic faith, and those relatively few extremists who embrace terror and murder. Dr. Pipes has earned the Islamists’ enmity by drawing those distinctions and naming names.

In attacking President Bush’s peace nominee, the Islamist operatives finally have overstepped. The more they attack Dr. Pipes, the greater the likelihood that their true nature will be illuminated.

Center for Security Policy

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