Center sponsors London conference

On the eve of the anniversary of the deadly 7 July 2005 terrorist attacks in London, the Center for Security Policy joined the Manhattan Institute’s Center for Policing Terrorism and the London-based think tank, Politeia, in holding high-level meetings and a major public conference with political, law enforcement and community leaders aimed at understanding and defeating the danger posed by the Islamofascist ideology at home and abroad.

In private sessions on 20 June and a conference the following day, an American delegation addressed with British counterparts the timely topic of "Conquering Crime and Tackling Terrorism: Is There a Special Relationship?" The public event was held at the British Academy and was chaired by a distinguished member of the House of Lords, the Marquess of Salisbury. As with the private meetings, the day-long conference facilitated a fascinating conversation between leading British politicians of the three major parties, senior present and former law enforcement and security policy practitioners from both the United Kingdom and the United States .

Particularly useful were the insights shared by attendees about the danger so evident in the "7/7" attacks: the threat posed by domestic ("home-grown") adherents to the totalitarian ideology known as Islamofascism – and the policing and intelligence tools that have proven successful in countering these and other criminal elements in their communities.

Highlights of the conference included remarks by: Dr. John Reid, MP, the British Home Secretary; Bill Bratton, Chief of Police at the Los Angeles Police Department and former Chief Commissioner of the New York Police Department (NYPD); John Timoney, Police Commissioner of Miami, formerly Deputy Commissioner of the NYPD; Sir Ian Blair, QPM, MA, Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis (London); Dr. Liam Fox MP and Nick Herbert MP, Shadow Ministers, respectively, for Defense and Police Reform; John Denham MP, Chairman All-Party Group on Police and Professor George Kelling of Rutgers University. (A complete listing of the U.S. and U.K. delegations and speakers is attached.)

The conference featured extensive, and often quite animated, exchanges between panelists and with the audience. The latter was comprised of representatives of a number of British and American law enforcement organizations, politicians, representatives of major British, European and American print and electronic media, human rights activists, academic experts and concerned citizens.

Following the conference, the Center hosted a dinner in the War Rooms of the historic Reform Club. Guests included politicians and officials from Whitehall and Westminster , leading academics and distinguished members of the media. The Marquess of Salisbury, the guest of honor, spoke of the renewed significance of the "special relationship" between the United Kingdom and the United States in the face of the global threat of Islamofascism.

The Center for Security Policy was represented by its President, Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., Vice President for Research Alex Alexiev and New York Director Amanda Bowman. Mr. Gaffney characterized the highly successful private meetings that preceded the conference and the subsequent public session as "extraordinary opportunities to foster transatlantic awareness about the ideologically driven foe our two countries face and to promote a shared understanding of, and collaboration in applying, the most effective means of defeating it at home and abroad. The Center looks forward to continued partnership with the Manhattan Institute and Politeia in advancing these important ends."


Alex Alexiev , Vice President for Research of the Center for Security Policy
Professor Christopher Andrew, Modern & Contemporary History, University of Cambridge
Sir Ian Blair, QPM, MA, Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis
Anthony H. Bolton, Deputy Chief Constable Bedfordshire Police, 1998-00 and Author, Policing Matters (Politeia, 2005)
Amanda Bowman, New York Director of the Center for Security Policy
Bill Bratton, Chief of Police at the Los Angeles Police Department, formerly Chief Commissioner of the NYPD
Sam Brinkley, Vice President of Wackenhut Homeland Security, and former Senior Policy Advisor on the 9/11 Commission
Nick Clegg MP, Liberal Democrat Home Secretary
Tim Connors, Director of Policing Terrorism, The Manhattan Institute
The Rt. Honorable John Denham MP, Chairman All-Party Group on Police (Labour)
R.P. Eddy, Senior Fellow for Counter Terrorism at the Manhattan Institute
Dr. Liam Fox MP, Shadow Secretary of Defense
Frank Gaffney, President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy
Nick Herbert MP, Shadow Minister for Police Reform
Professor George Kelling, Criminal Justice School, Rutgers University
Lawrence Mone, President of the Manhattan Institute
General the Lord Ramsbotham, HM Chief Inspector of Prisons, 1995-2000
The Right Hon Dr. John Reid, MP, Home Secretary of the United Kingdom
The Most Hon. Marquess of Salisbury, PC & DL
Donna Thompson – Events Director, The Manhattan Institute
John Timoney, Police Commissioner of Miami, formerly Dep. Commissioner of the NYPD
Professor Paul Wilkinson, International Relations & Chairman, Centre for the Study of Terrorism, University of St. Andrews.


Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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