Back in 1973, Chileans were uneasy about the socialist policies of Marxist President Salvador Allende, but it wasn’t until Allende started messing with children’s minds that citizens demanded action.

Mothers banging pots and pans in the streets of Santiago helped encourage the Chilean military to overthrow the democratically elected president who abused his power and trampled the constitution.

Now, the Hugo Chavez regime in Venezuela is about to indoctrinate its first generation of school children. While that’s bad for Venezuela’s kids, it could be a last opportunity for the people finally to revolt and promote regime change in Caracas.

The Houston Chronicle reports that elder brother Adan Chavez, an ideological communist who until recently was the regime’s ambassador to Cuba, is now Minister of Education – and pledges to instill socialist values” in the country’s schools.

“In January, President Chávez declared education one of the five ‘motors’ driving his socialist revolution and named his older brother education minister,” correspondent John Otis reports from the Venezuelan capital. The regime has nearly doubled per capita spending on education – not only for kids but for adults as well.

And with it, the propaganda campaign. “Last week, Adan Chavez sent hundreds of red-shirted ‘brigade’ members to different parts of Venezuela to hold workshops outlining the government’s plans for education,” according to the Chronicle. “He told Venezuelans to remain calm about the pending changes, which he said are designed to promote unity.”

“We are not going to inject communism into children from the day they are born,” he said on state-run TV. “We simply plan to include in the curriculum … the authentic values of society — which means socialism.”

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