After Uribe abruptly ended Chávez’s intervention for the hostage rescue in November, the Venezuelan leader kept communicating with the FARC. On December Chávez announced that the terrorist group had told him that they would release three hostages, including a small boy, born to one of the captives and a member of the terrorist organization. On late December, the Venezuelan President assembled a high-profile team to liberate of the prisoners, calling this mission "Operation Emmanuel." But then Uribe revealed the FARC could not free the hostages because the boy, born in captivity, was not in their hands. Although apparently the FARC will release two of the hostages soon just to discredit Uribe and help Chávez, we provide you with an analysis of what really happened and the implications of this case.

Artículo: "Uribe desenmascara a las FARC."

Después que Uribe abruptamente terminara la intervención de Chávez en la operación de rescate en Noviembre, el líder Venezolano siguió comunicándose con las FARC. En Diciembre, Chávez anunció que las FARC le habían prometido liberar a tres rehenes, incluyendo a un niño nacido en cautiverio, cuya madre es una rehén y el padre miembro de las FARC. En Diciembre, el líder Venezolano organizó un grupo de alto perfil para rescatar a los rehenes y llamo "Operación Emmanuel" a esta misión. Pero luego Uribe reveló que el grupo terrorista no liberaría a los secuestrados pues el niño no estaba en poder de las FARC. Aunque aparentemente las FARC liberarían a los rehenes en las próximas horas, para dañar la imagen Uribe y levantar a Chávez hacemos un análisis del caso y sus implicancias.


  • Colombia Captures ELN Leader. Colombia calls for discrete foreign support to hostages. White House expected to offer Colombia FTA.
  • Chile : Bachelet reshuffles cabinet.
  • Bolivia calms down as political forces reach accord.
  • Venezuela : Chávez to push "21st century socialism" in 2008. RCTV reports raging "persecution" against independent press. Inflation closes at 22.5% in 2007. Nine tons of cocaine from Venezuela seized in Lisbon. Venezuela ready for "Strong Bolivar" to tackle inflation . CAF grants USD 50 million loan to Venezuela. Pdvsa cuts payment time for foreign clients. 80 percent of incoming cocaine in Spain goes through Venezuela . Venezuelan oil output down 378,000 bpd in three years. Venezuelans blame government for high crime rates.
  • Ecuador speeds up construction of refinery with Venezuela.
  • Houses of ALBA hold first international meeting in Perú.
  • Argentinean opposition lambastes Kirchner for ties with Chavez.
  • Correa Bolsters Ecuadorian Government.


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Center for Security Policy

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