As FBI Director Robert Mueller continues to pander to radical Islamist groups, federal agencies – including his own – continue their crackdown on Muslim terrorist fronts.

In a coordinated move with the British government, the US Treasury Department ordered the blockage of accounts of the Al-Aqsa Foundation, alleged to be funding Hamas suicide bombers.

The Wall Street Journal reports that FBI agents have apprehended a figure in the Muslim Students Association (MSA) who used the national campus-based group as “cover for a secret career supporting terrorism.”

“The writings of radical anti-Western Muslim thinkers are promoted on many MSA-chapter sites,” the Journal reports. “MSA chapters also have helped raise money for Muslim charities now accused by the U.S. government of serving as fronts for financing terrorism abroad. Some MSA members receive financial support from Saudi Arabia, which for decades has tried to inculcate young people with a fundamentalist and intolerant version of Islam.”

The case against the MSA suspect, according to the Journal, “raises difficult questions about Muslim students who espouse extremist views, or support those who do.” It also raises difficult questions for FBI Director Mueller, who under apparent pressure from White House political operatives, persists in courting individuals and organizations publicly identified as supporters of terrorists.

As columnist Cal Thomas recently noted, the terrorists are using America’s democratic institutions as instruments of attack.

Center for Security Policy

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