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The London Economist Magazine last week emblazoned its front cover with the two-word headline “Resign, Rumsfeld.” In so doing, it succinctly captured the gambit embraced lately by many prominent Democrats, anti-war critics, Bushophobes and opinion elites: Seizing upon the pretext of the widely felt need to appease the Arab world in the wake of the Iraqi prison abuse scandal to take out the man who is, arguably, the President’s most effective Cabinet Secretary: Donald Rumsfeld.

The millions of Americans who greatly admire Secretary Rumsfeld and who understand – at least intuitively – the inadvisability of this agenda must respond by making known our desire and national need: “Remain, Rumsfeld.”

Click here to read more about why losing “Rummy” at this juncture would have adverse consequences on three scores.

Center for Security Policy

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