The Energy Security Project Mission Statement

There is a “perfect storm” of national security, economic, and environmental conditions that compel the United States to begin immediately reducing its dependence upon unstable and hostile foreign sources of energy.

The Center sees the solution in existing and functional technologies that, if implemented, would transform the petroleum-based transportation sector to one based on alternative fuels and the vehicles that can utilize them. Henceforth, the project aims to promote a strategyour “Blueprint for Energy Security“that will see these technologies incorporated into and used in the transportation market. As a result, the availability of revenues and dual-use equipment used by oil-producing terrorist-sponsoring states will be reduced, as will their access to western investment, financing, and technology.

In cooperation with the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, the Center has spearheaded the formation of the Set America Free Coalition, a group of prominent national security practitioners working to effect change in U.S. energy policies. Specifically, we have drafted a strategy entitled, “A Blueprint for Energy Security,” along with accompanying legislation that was introduced in Congress in November 2005, which set forth practical steps for this transformation of the transportation sector. Much of this blue print is now being turned into policy or legislation

The Center has provided briefs for Congressional leaders and Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman and enjoyed prominent media attention in such publications as the New York Times, Time Magazine, and The Wall Street Journal.

Our coalition includes, among others, former Director of the CIA, R. James Woolsey; former National Security Advisor, Robert McFarlane; and former Secretary of Energy, Admiral James D. Watkins.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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