The FTA with Colombia: the political dimension


Senator Clinton, like her opponent in the Democratic Party, Senator Barack Obama, opposes the free-trade agreement. Clinton called the policies of free trade such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), promoted by her own husband, a "mistake". Senator Obama voted against free trade agreements with Central America and Peru. Though our focus is not on the benefits that free trade agreements bring to the US and to the rest of the world, economics are just one aspect of the US-Colombian relationship and perhaps not the most important. What is unfortunate within the Democratic Party debate is that an increasing populist domestic policy of pleasing labor unions has become paramount while highly important issues of national security and foreign policy are being pushed to the margins. To learn more, please open the attachment.

Articulo 10 de Abril, 2008: "Ecuador entregaría base militar de Manta a China."

La Base de Manta, conocida también Base Eloy Alfaro, funciona como base aérea militar y aeropuerto internacional en Manabí, Ecuador. El acceso y uso de la pista e instalaciones de la base a las fuerzas aéreas de Estados Unidos, fue cedido por convenio en 1998 para la lucha contra el narcotráfico en el noroeste de América del Sur. La base Eloy Alfaro tiene gran importancia estratégica para Estados Unidos en su lucha contra el tráfico de drogas pero Rafael Correa prometió no renovar el contrato con Estados Unidos. Correa esta ofreciendo Manta a China, y si Beijing acepta la oferta, el país asiático estaría buscando entrar estratégicamente al ámbito de influencia de Estados Unidos, con consecuencias siniestras para la región. Por favor abrir el attachment para leer más.

Main News:

  • Bush Expresses Disappointment over US-Colombia Trade Deal.
  • Venezuelan Government launched its socialist production model. Venezuela the major arms importer in Latin America. Tax on windfall oil income effective immediately.  Venezuela needs USD 2.74 billion to complete nationalization.
  • OAS’ Insulza: There is no evidence of Venezuelan support to terrorists.
  • Argentinian Techint asks Mrs. Kirchner to advocate "national capital." Argentinian entrepreneurs question businesses in Venezuela.
  • Chile and China call for closer bilateral cooperation.
  • Brazil and Russia to build jet fighter and satellite launch vehicles. Brazilian minister to talk in Venezuela about defense issues. Brazil official cites giant oil-field discovery.
  • Paraguay President: Venezuelan "troublemakers" trying to disturb elections.
  • The Bolivian People Confront Evo Morales.
  • Leftists Shut Down Mexican Congress to Block Energy Reform.
  • FARC Weakening Due to Widespread Desertions.

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Center for Security Policy

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