US-based Muslim, Arab groups urged to help unmask terror cells & quit acting like victims

Arab and Muslim groups in the U.S. should quit complaining about federal anti-terrorist investigations, “stand up to greater scrutiny,” and “police our communities for sleeper agents,” a Muslim American argues in the Washington Post.

Pakistani-American financier Mansoor Ijaz writes that the U.S.-based Arab and Islamic institutes that have been protesting federal anti-terrorism raids show lack of citizenship and an inability to put “U.S. national security interests before dubious claims of civil rights violations.”

“The actions of these groups distort America’s view of its Arab and Muslim communities much the same way al Qaeda’s terrorists have hijacked and distorted the image of Islam globally.”

“The repeated denials by Muslim nonprofits about foreign sources of funding to operate their diverse and often dubious agendas are no longer enough.”

“America’s Arabs and Muslims bear a special responsibility at this moment not to play the role of aggrieved victims. Rather, we should offer ourselves as resources to federal law enforcement agencies interested in learning more about the complexities of our religious and ethnic roots; we should police our communities for sleeper agents; and we should stop the flow of foreign money – and its corrosive influence – into our political and religious nonprofit organizations.”

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