Weekly Publishes Gorbachev’s Appeal to Kohl

AU1706131591 Hamburg DER SPIEGEL in German
17 Jun 91 p 134

[Text of letter from Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev to Chancellor Helmut Kohl, dated 11
March: “I Press Your Hand”]

[Text] To achieve “final reconciliation” between the two nations, the Soviet president, in a
personal letter dated 11 March has asked for financial aid to overcome the state crisis:

Dear Chancellor, Dear Helmut:

During our telephone conversation I promised to inform you on a matter that is pressing for
However, first of all, I would like once more to express deep satisfaction about the ratification of
the three most important treaties. I would like to stress once more how highly I value your role in
finding a solution to the historic task of the final reconciliation between our peoples….

Let me now address the matter that is the actual reason for this letter. The withdrawal of
troops from German territory has begun. It will cost the USSR more than 40 billion German
marks [DM].

This will lead to a further deterioration of the critical situation of our economy and of political
life. The forces that are trying to shake the existence of our state have taken the offensive by
exploiting the increasing dissatisfaction among the people with the situation on the consumer

Under these conditions, I need support more urgently than ever before, which would help the
Soviet Union retain control of the financial situation in the next three to five months.

I ask for help for the following reasons:

1. I would like to ask you for your support in bringing about a change of mood with the
banks, so that we can return to the issue of opening a credit line according to the five plus 15
scheme, which would involve DM20 billion, which was discussed last year. In accordance with
this scheme, we have only received DM5 billion, which was primarily used for repaying the debts
we owe to German companies. A decision on the release of further means has so far been
delayed. Would it not be possible to return to this question? I rely on your influence and

2. The actual sale of the real estate of the Soviet troops, estimated at DM20-23 billion,
would be
very useful. Would it not be possible to make a global political decision in this respect? Then it
would be possible to discuss at short notice the question of larger down payments that would be
covered by the real estate. There have been many useless discussions and allegations in
connection with this issue, which has lead to a negative attitude toward German-Soviet
understanding. I ask you in the true sense of the word to let me know your position on these
issues in the next few days, so that corresponding talks can start without delay. We would send
our representatives to Bonn any time or receive your representatives here in Moscow. I myself
am willing to meet with your personal representative.

I hope that the crisis can be overcome and that the choice that is historic for the whole Soviet
Union will not be endangered.

Sincerely yours, I press your hand,

M. Gorbachev.

Center for Security Policy

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