
The Center sponsors a number of events throughout the year, ranging from our annual ‘Keeper of the Flame’ Award Dinner to our High-Level Roundtable Discussions and Symposia. Each of these events uniquely stimulates and contributes to the flow of information between the various elements of the security policy community.

The High-Level Roundtable Discussions and Symposia permit informal, off-the-record exchanges between key members of the executive and legislative branches, the media, industry representatives and members of the Center’s staff and National Security Advisory Council.

We also hold press conferences throughout the year to inform the media and general public as to our policy findings or to highlight national security issues that require near-term action.

All Center for Security Policy events are by invitation only. For more information, contact the Center at (202) 835-9077 or [email protected].

Keeper of the Flame

Since 1990, the Keeper of the Flame has been the Center’s most prestigious honor, recognizing those elected officials who have enhanced American security. Past recipients have included Ronald Reagan, Dick Cheney and many more.

Freedom Flame

The Freedom Flame recognizes individuals and policymakers who have exemplified the ideals of freedom, democracy, economic opportunity and international strength. Past recipients have included former CIA director Jim Woolsey, Amb. John Bolton and others.

Mightier Pen

The Mightier Pen recognizes of those who have, through their writings, contributed to the public’s appreciation of the need for robust U.S. national security policies. Past recipients have included Bill Buckley, Norman Podhoretz, Mark Helprin, Mark Steyn and more.

Sacred Honor Award

The Sacred Honor Award recognizes philanthropists that make it possible to win the war of ideas in a perilous world, helping ensure that our children will be able live with all the freedoms that were given us in the Declaration of Independence.


Keeping our country safer means being aware of the dangers we face and supporting those who protect us.

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Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
Edmund Burke