With Roger Noriega, Stephen Hunter, Claudia Rosett, and Gordon Chang.

ROGER NORIEGA, from the American Enterprise Institute, explains the effects that upcoming immigrant legislation will have, interprets Venezuelan vice president Maduro’s assassination claims, and critiques current negotiations between Colombian authorities and  narco-terrorists.

STEPHEN HUNTER, Pulitzer Prize winning author of the upcoming The Third Bullet, offers exclusive insight into the creation of the JFK assassination conspiracy theory in his new book, and condemns the politicians that “pirouette on the political platform” raised from the tragedy of the Sandy Hook shootings.


CLAUDIA ROSETT, the journalist-in-residence at Foundation for Defense of Democracy, analyzes the still resounding lack of clarity that Hillary Clinton’s Senate hearing left for the American people, and the “pass the buck” mentality that has prevailed in the administration through the whole affair.

GORDON CHANG, columnist at forbes.com, exposes the inclement threat that North Korea’s rapidly advancing missile program will have on the US and her allies, and reports on the UN conference that has led to China demanding more than $100 billion a year from the US to clean up their pollution.

Secure Freedom Radio

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