In 2009 paper, Hagel called for multinational force in Judea and Samaria

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Tomorrow, the United States Senate will decide whether Chuck Hagel should be the next Secretary of Defense. If it does so, that job will go to a man who believes, among other things, that U.S. forces should be inserted into the West Bank as a means of facilitating the creation of a Palestinian state there. Caroline Glick brings our attention to this on her Facebook page:

Well, now it works out that Hagel, along with his fellow anti-Semites Zbigniew Brzezinski, Brent Scowcroft et. al., wrote a report for Obama in 2009 calling among other things for the US to lead a multi-national force of 60,000 troops to serve in Judea and Samaria to help the Palestinians. Here’s the link to the paper they wrote: Here is a write up of the paper on Arutz 7:

The paper is the embodiment of the anti-Semitic obsession. Israel, the only steadfast US ally in the region is seen as the main problem in the Middle East because it hasn’t surrendered to people who call everyday in their mosques and elsewhere for the annihilation of the Jewish people and the destruction of the US. There is no rational argument to be made in favor of this view. There is only an obsession. And the obsession is Jew hatred. We are central to the story of the Middle East in their minds because they are so blinded by their obsession with us that they simply cannot, under any circumstance see the Arabs as human beings with their own motivations for action. They are fighting the Jews, therefore, they can’t be bad.

The best that can be said about such a deployment is that it will embroil the United States directly in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. More likely, the U.S. forces will wind up protecting jihadists from Israeli defensive measures. That is particularly the case given Mr. Hagel’s well-documented hostility towards the Jewish State.

If you haven’t already let your Senators know that America needs a better Secretary of Defense than Chuck Hagel, please let them know today. And if you have, please do it again.

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