CSP Daily Brief: March 21, 2013
CSP Daily Brief: 3/21/13
The Latest From the Center…
- Kyle Shideler at Free Fire Blog: U.S Now Leading Exporter of Islamist Heads of State
- Frank Gaffney’s Weekly Article: William Van Cleave, the Cold War’s Unsung Hero
…and From our Colleagues
Secure Freedom Radio
- Would Obama Really Act on Syrian Chemical Weapons: with Joseph Klein, Elaine Donnelly, Paul Kengor, and Diana West
- Secure Freedom Minute: Two States One State
- Obama heads into talks with Palestinian President Abbas
- West Bank hosts Obama, Gaza sends rockets
- House Bill Would Cut Aid to Palestinian Authority
- Obama pledges to stop nuclear Iran, but says he still ‘prefers’ diplomatic resolution
- South Korea links cyberattack to China, North Korea
- Al-Qaida group claims to have beheaded a French hostage
- Islamic Law Takes Hold in Syrian Opposition
- Pentagon’s Acquisition Chief Wants a Budget, Any Budget
- Inside the Ring: New Bear bomber flights
- USS Freedom becomes first LCS to reach 7th Fleet’s Pacific turf
- Egyptian leaders fear ‘Muslim Brotherhoodization’
- U.S. puts $10 million bounty on Americans suspected of helping terrorists in Somalia
- Kurdish chief to call for cease-fire of 30-year conflict in Turkey
- N. Korea Threatens U.S. Bases in Japan, Guam
- Julia Gillard survives latest attempt to oust her from leadership
- Venezuela Stops Communication With U.S. Diplomat Roberta Jacobson
- The Uninvited — Dan Gouré: Unnecessary Defense Regulations Costing Taxpayers $80B
- Senator: Time to change military force law
- Military takeover of lethal drone operations under consideration
- Photo-sharing app Instagram populated by terrorist pics, report says
- CARDENAS: Exposing a shady cover-up in Cuba
- GALEN: Resetting the Middle East
- HOLMES: Littoral Combat Ship and Fleet Experimentation
- HOROWITZ: Why We Were In Iraq
- KAHLILI: Heavy traffic across Iran’s ‘red line’
- KAPLAN: The Kenya Syndrome
- MAY: The Return of Missile Defense
- ROBBINS: Obama’s Middle East policy in tatters
- THOMAS: Europe’s Islamic radicals will soon land on America’s doorstep
Hearings and Events of Note
- Thursday, March 21, 9:00am Cyber Attacks: An Unprecedented Threat to U.S. National Security (House Foreign Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats)
- Thursday, March 21, 10:00am Update on Military Suicide Prevention (House Armed Services Committee, Subcommittee on Personnel)
- Thursday, March 21, 10:00am The Department of Homeland Security at 10 Years: A Progress Report on Management (Senate Homeland Security Committee)
- Thursday, March 21, 10:30am Rebalance to Asia: What Does It Mean For Democracy, Good Governance And Human Rights? (Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Subcommittee on East Asia and Pacific Affairs)
- Tuesday, April 9, 9:30am Oversight: U.S. Pacific Command and U.S. Forces Korea (Senate Armed Services Committee)
- Thursday, April 11 9:30am Oversight: Department of the Air Force (Senate Armed Services Committee)
- Wednesday, April 16, 9:30am Oversight: Situation in Afghanistan (Senate Armed Services Committee)
- Thursday, April 17, 9:30am Oversight: Department of the Air Force (Senate Armed Services Committee)
- Friday, April 18, 10:00am Oversight: Current and Future Worldwide Threats (Senate Armed Services Committee)
- Tuesday, April 23 9:30am Oversight: Department of the Army (Senate Armed Services Committee)
- Thursday, April 25 9:30am Oversight: Department of the Navy (Senate Armed Services Committee)
- Wednesday, May 8 9:30am Oversight: Army Modernization (Senate Armed Services Committee)
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