Missile Defense: The Only Thing The US Can’t Afford Is To Not Have It

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With Jon Kyl, Luis Fleischman, Ilan Berman, Fred Fleitz.

Former U.S. Senator from Arizona JON KYL explains the differences in America’s ability to defend itself according to respective administration’s priorities for missile defense and nuclear deterrence.

Senior adviser for the Menges Hemispheric Security Project at the Center for Security Policy, Dr. LUIS FLEISCHMAN lays out the global strategic importance of the Iranian access to Latin America post Chavez as well as the significance of the new Pope.

ILAN BERMAN of the American Foreign Policy Council breaks down Iran’s options and the difference between strategic and tactical implications of sanctions on their weapons program.

The director of the Langley Intelligence Group Network, FRED FLEITZ covers a menu of updates ranging from the Cypriot banking crisis to the new Russian bomber threat.

Secure Freedom Radio

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